Saturday, 23 August 2008

Colombo style

There’s something different about living in this city- some would call it “exotic” other would say its “developing” while others again may simply say “chaotic”. Somehow you’ll have to agree with them all- Colombo sure holds a lot of different experiences within it's borders, which could easily fit into any of these categories. These days one other thing is that it is “restricted” as well. With the war effort probably growing closer to somewhat of a climax in the north, Colombo security is at peak level as well. Numerous international hotels are being considered out-of-bounds by most local people, due to being located in the “high security zone” which now spans large parts of the Fort area.

Still when already here, Colombo is in general a pleasant experience and even military personnel manning the various check-points are in general very professional, polite and friendly, at least to foreigners. Not the rag-tag army we used to see some few years back.

The restaurants can sometimes be hard to find, but ask a local or a Tuk driver, and you’ll be on your way to some of the best food experiences in South Asia. In for a seafood treat? Visit the Lagoon at Colombo Plaza where all ingredients are on iced-display and where you can pick your fish or lobster of choice J.

Friday, 1 August 2008

Torvøya-summer 2008

Summer just hasn't happend if there are no island parties! And so it was this year too as everybody scrambled for the cooling sea at Torvøya when heat struck at +30C - which isn't anything to take for granted in our country, but it is sure appreciated when it happens.
"the Big Thing" this year - literally - was something growing from within .. :)

As the Sun would set behind the trees on the ridge, we would all reluctantly return from waters edge, and start to recognize that growling feeling in the stomach- we need food!

A "touch of spice" is appreciated

Here all the young ones are gathered over Langhåra Bjørn's hot Thai soup and Bjørn L's great spaghetti which came with an awesome sauce it took all day to make!

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